Natural Gas Websites and Blogs

Wed site with maps and up-to date information on the Marcellus Shale area
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4525 times

Home Page to Dr. Terry Engelder

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
Dr. Terry Engelder, Professor of Geolopgy at Penn State University was the co-author of a scientific paper on the economic and geologic opportunities of the Marcellus Shale formation. This site contains technical information on the geologic subsurface of the Shale region, as well as a page devoted to photographs and explanations of Marcellus shale outcropings occuring in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Oct 13, 2010
5521 times

Natural Gas Lease Forum for Landowners

Information and public forums on Natural Gas drilling and leasing here in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Oct 20, 2009
9969 times

Penn State Natural Gas Wiki

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
Wiki created by Penn State University that provides a walther of information on the Marcellus gas play and its effects on Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Aug 17, 2010
4842 times

The Marcellus Today

News and Economics from the Marcellus Shale-Reporting on the Marcellus Natural Gas Situation. Very complete and up-to-date information.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3408 times