Traditional Neighborhood Development

A Model Ordinance for Traditional Neighborhood Development

Offers model TND ordinance with commentary
Last Modified
May 12, 2017
3279 times

Cranberry Township Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance

The Cranberry Township TND Ordinance features the following innovations of the Form-Based Code: context-sensitive design standards, street sections for five street types, streetscape design & detailing standards, building type design & detailing standards; and green infrastructure design standards.
Last Modified
May 03, 2017
6369 times

Financing Mixed-Use Development

This report is designed to aid municipalities and developers in effectively financing mixed-use development. Included are an overview of the benefits and challenges to implementing mixed-use development, best practices in financing (including specific financing mechanisms), different organizational structures for financing, and strategies for achieving success. Case studies of successful mixed-use projects in the Delaware Valley region are presented, as well as funding sources that exist in the region.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1958 times

Guide to Traditional Neighborhood Development

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Explains the benefits of Traditional Neighborhood Development, tips for implementation, and examples from the Lehigh Valley.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1871 times

Hollidaysburg Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance

Outlines TND development regulations in Hollidaysburg (Blair County).
Last Modified
May 12, 2017
2954 times

LEED Rating System for Neighborhood Development (v.4)

Applies to new land development projects or redevelopment projects containing residential uses, nonresidential uses, or a mix. Projects can be at any stage of the development process, from conceptual planning to construction.
Last Modified
May 12, 2017
2823 times

Lower Merion Township Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance

Ordinance outlines TND guidelines.
Last Modified
May 12, 2017
3366 times

MCPC Series of Zoning Districts and Model Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Each guide describes a different type of zoning district (including related open-space issues) and provides a model ordinance for each. Districts include: village residential district, village mixed-use district, land preservation district, neighborhood residential district, rural residential district.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1668 times

Model Ordinance: Mixed-Use Zoning and Development

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Model ordinance to promote mixed-use zoning and development in a community.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
2440 times

New Urbanism: Best Practices Guide

Organizations/Sources: New Urban News
A thoroughly detailed, up-to-date technical manual and in-depth report on New Urbanism. New Urbanism, a reaction to sprawl, is a better way to plan and build 21st Century communities. It is based on principles of planning and architecture that work together to create human-scale, walkable communities. A pdf of the report "The New Urbanism: A better way to plan and build 21st Century communities" by the guide's authors is included as a pdf in this library item.
Last Modified
May 12, 2017
13287 times