Environmental Advisory Councils

Library Items

Doylestown Township EAC Fracking Memo

Memo written by the Doylestown Township Environmental Advisory Council urging the township supervisors to adopt a resolution banning fracking.
Last Modified
Jun 27, 2019
1499 times

Environmental Advisory Council: A Versatile Arm for Pennsylvania Local Government

Any municipality in Pennsylvania may establish an environmental advisory council to tap the skills and volunteer energy of its citizens. Consisting of three to seven members appointed by the local government, an EAC can undertake a variety of conservation projects. It can also research issues and advise local government officials to help inform decision-making regarding the environment.
Last Modified
Oct 30, 2020
6352 times

List of Kittatinny Ridge EACs

Organizations/Sources: Audubon Pennsylvania
List of Environmental Advisory Councils along the Kittatinny Ridge by county.
Last Modified
Jun 19, 2015
4925 times

Lower Merion Township Environmental Action Plan: 2012–2016

The Lower Merion Township environmental advisory council created this plan; it contains a broad range of environmental policy recommendations for consideration by the board of commissioners, including both short- and long-term priorities.
Last Modified
May 28, 2019
1635 times

Pennsylvania Act 177 of 1996

Act 177 of 1996 amended Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding revised, codified and compiled provisions relating to local government; and making repeals. Part III "Government and Administration", Subpart D "Area Government and Intergovernmental Cooperation", Chapter 23 "General Provisions", Subchapter B "Environmental Advisory Councils" enables the creation of environmental advisory councils and sets forth the rules governing them. EACs were originally enabled by Act 148 of 1973. Act 177 amended this statute.
Last Modified
Nov 09, 2020
8835 times

Radnor Township Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

The Radnor Township Environmental Advisory Council conducted research on the carbon emissions produced by the township's energy consumption (broken into categories of buildings, waste, public lights, and vehicles) and presented the report to the township's board of supervisors. The EAC was charged with conducting the energy audit by a resolution passed by the board of commissioners.
Last Modified
May 30, 2019
1662 times

The Environmental Advisory Council Handbook: Guidance for Establishing and Operating EACs in Pennsylvania

This handbook contains information on what environmental advisory councils (EACs) are, how they are formed and run, and how they interact with their governing boards and their communities. It is the latest edition of the guidance first published in 1996.
Last Modified
Jun 02, 2021
10377 times

The Environmental Advisory Council Network Website

Contains environmental advisory council (EAC) news, articles, guidance, lists of EACs by municipality and county, and profiles of many of Pennsylvania’s EACs.
Last Modified
Jun 19, 2015
5792 times

Upper Moreland Township EAC Fact Sheet Series

This series of fact sheets published by the Upper Moreland Township EAC that provide basic information about the EAC and its goals, recycling, invasive plants, and stormwater management.
Last Modified
May 29, 2019
1863 times

Warrington Township EAC Pamphlet

Pamphlet that explains what the EAC's initiatives and contact information.
Last Modified
May 29, 2019
1791 times