Education & Communication

Library Items

A Nice Place to Live: Creating Communities, Fighting Sprawl

Organizations/Sources: National Issues Forum
This discussion guide is designed to help citizens take a fresh look at the problems of building and maintaining nice places to live against the forces of sprawl. The issue guide provides an overview of the issue and, to promote public deliberation and citizen action, outlines several perspectives or choices. Free moderator’s guide available, additional resources can be ordered.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4162 times

Antioch New England Insitute

Organizations/Sources: Antioch New England Institute
ANEI promotes a vibrant and sustainable environment, economy, and society by encouraging informed civic engagement. It provides training, programs and resources (U.S. and international) in leadership development, place-based education, nonprofit management, environmental education and policy, smart growth and public administration.
Last Modified
Jan 21, 2016
3347 times

Better Models for Development in Pennsylvania

This 144-page publication outlines many ways of developing attractive and sustainable communities, providing specific case studies and examples of solid planning practices. It includes six principles for better development.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
7574 times

Biodiversity—Our Living World: Your Life Depends on It!

This is an excellent educational resource on Pennsylvania biodiversity. It is full of photos and information presented in a creative and interesting manner.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
6699 times

Box City, An Interdisciplinary Experience in Community Planning

Authors: Ginny Graves
Organizations/Sources: CUBE National Outreach
Provides active opportunities to construct communities and apply planning concepts. Box City Curriculum, Classroom and Festival Pack are available through CUBE/archiSources.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
5522 times

Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This manual addresses the social and cultural aspects of community-based environmental protection. It gives leaders in government agencies and in nongovernmental organizations and tribes a process and a set of tools for defining and understanding the human dimension of an environmental issue and gives them technical tools for more effectively working with the public on environmental protection efforts. The Guide is based on the elements of social science theory and methodology that are most relevant to defining and understanding community life as it relates to environmental issues.
Last Modified
Aug 16, 2011
4521 times

Earth Force

It is an organization that engages young people as active citizens to improve the environment and their communities. It provides materials and resources for developing projects for service learning through community action and provides networking opportunities with teams throughout the country, Earth Force provides a framework and program for moving students to action. Pennsylvania Earth Force projects are located in Erie, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4445 times

Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live

An environmental program for secondary students developed by Project Learning Tree that focuses on land use decision-making. For information and to obtain copies contact PDE Office of Environment and Ecology at 717.783.6995.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2011
4468 times

Governor's Outdoor Task Force Report (2008)

Authors: Ben Moyer
In March 2007, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell convened a two-day conference and assembled experts and organizations with various perspectives on the relationship between people and the outdoors. A 16-member Task Force met to forge this final report, summarizing input from the conference and public meetings, and offering the recommendations that make up thsi report
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2011
4292 times


Organizations/Sources: Green Map System
Lessons and activities for designing community maps that share information on energy conservation, recycling, composting, rain barrels, water conservation, organic markets/restaurants and other GREEN highlights of the community. Be sure to check out the Green Map K12 Activity Guide.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3528 times

Lessons From the Land

Organizations/Sources: Creative Change Educational Solutions
This is a curriculum developed to educate young people about land use and the role of citizens in shaping a sustainable future.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3845 times

National Geographic Education (Beta)

Organizations/Sources: National Geographic Society
This site offers an expanded and updated library of National Geographic’s popular education content, highlighting our iconic media and expert resources aligned with education standards.
Last Modified
Oct 25, 2011
4150 times

Nonprofits and Social Media—It Ain't Optional

Organizations/Sources: Venturneer, Caliber
This survey provides statistics on the use of social media by both large and small organizations and corporations. It also offers information on effectively establishing and managing social networking sites for nonprofit organizations.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
5028 times

Planning for the Future: A Handbook on Community Visioning, 3rd Edition

Organizations/Sources: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
The purpose of this handbook is to help communities like yours begin thinking and planning for the future. It is not, however, a cookbook on community visioning. Every community in Pennsylvania is unique, so it must develop its own vision and plan for the future. On the other hand, many of the same principles and activities that are included in the process may be useful to many communities. To help communities find that common ground and allow them the freedom to decide what their plans might include, the Center for Rural Pennsylvania designed this handbook to focus on the process of visioning, not the outcome.
Last Modified
Feb 25, 2019
9309 times

Project Citizen

Organizations/Sources: Center for Civic Education
This education program is administered by the Center for Civic Education in cooperation with the National Conference of State Legislatures. It is funded by the US Department of Education. The purpose of the program is to help students engage in community projects as a responsibility of citizenship
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3528 times

Project Learning Tree (Pre K- 8)

This material focuses on the forest as a window to learning and involves hands-on activities that provide students opportunities to investigate environmental issues. For information and to obtain copies contact PDE Office of Environment and Ecology at 717.783.6995.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
4229 times

Project WILD, K-12 Curriculum and Activity Guide

Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program emphasizing wildlife. Workshops are coordinated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The activity recommended in PA Land Choices is called “Oh Deer!” and is located in Project WILD.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
6859 times

Promise of Place

Organizations/Sources: Promise of Place
This place-based education website advocates learning through participation in service projects to immerse students in their local heritage, cultures and landscapes. Emphasizes learning through participation in service projects for the local school and/or community.
Last Modified
Jan 21, 2016
3250 times

Save Our Lands, Save Our Towns

Authors: Tom Hylton
Save Our Land, Save Our Towns is an organization founded by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Tom Hylton to facilitate change in regional planning, town design and protection of rural areas through education and advocacy. Save Our Land, Save Our Towns is the title of a book and an hour-long television documentary which has classroom materials. Lessons, activities and a video on Pennsylvania land use are excellent resources for teachers and community leaders.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4871 times

Sharing Nature with Children: 20th Anniversary Edition

Authors: Joseph Bharat
This revised and expanded version of a North American classic is a valuable tool for teachers, educators, and parents. Available at any retail book source.
Last Modified
Oct 15, 2009
3708 times

Social Media for Social Good

Authors: Ayelet Baron
Organizations/Sources: Cisco Systems, Inc.
This packet gives helpful instructions on methods of shifting from communications media to social media and describes the ensuing benefits. It includes descriptions of a wide variety of social media and their uses for nonprofit organizations.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
4703 times

Stewardship Education: Best Practices Planning Guide

This Planning Guide can help you achieve your goals and objectives whether you are just developing a conservation education program, or whether you’ve been at it for years. If you are starting a new program, consider reviewing all chapters within the RBFF Workbook in addition to this Planning Guide. That information will help you make informed decisions on how to plan and implement your program and help you avoid pitfalls others have learned the hard way.
Last Modified
Sep 22, 2014
5732 times

Sustaining Penn’s Woods—A Sound Use of the Land

This is a Pennsylvania—specific interdisiciplinary program of instructional activities on Pennslvania forest and land use aligned with the academic standards.
Last Modified
Oct 20, 2009
4428 times

ViewFinders and ViewFinders Too

Organizations/Sources: Dunn Foundation
These are elementary and middle school curricula for students in grades 3-8. They include numerous educational activities with photographs developed by The Dunn Foundation which was founded to address community appearance and community identity.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
4357 times

Watershed Education

This program was developed to help use nearby natural resources as a valuable teaching tool for students in grades 6–12. Teacher training is provided as well as field and classroom training provided by Bureau of State Parks environmental educators.
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2010
4129 times

What is Conservation?

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
In brief, WeConservePA uses the word conservation to mean the act of caring for and wisely using land to ensure that the land’s natural resources can continue to benefit people and wildlife over time, and, where the land is degraded, restoring its capacity to deliver these benefits. (print version of WeConservePA guide, 1 p.)
Last Modified
May 12, 2022
1732 times