Trail Management Videos

Spaces for Species: Managing Trail Spaces for Invasives

This session will guide attendees as trail managers in the identification, control, and prevention of the occurrence of invasive species. While there are a myriad of negative impacts from invasive species, the deleterious effects on trail spaces and outdoor recreation are not always recognized. This presentation attempts to posit a “Know What You Have/Control What You’ve Got/Keep Out What You Don’t Want” attitude towards managing trail spaces. The focus of the presentation will be on terrestrial invasive vegetation, but aquatics and animals will also be touched on.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
227 times

Trails and Trees: Tree Risk, Tree Preservation, and Plant Health Care in a Trail System

Trees are an asset to any trail system, helping to manage storm water, regulate temperature, prevent soil erosion, and act as wind breaks. Trees also contribute to an aesthetically pleasing hiking experience. Properly caring for and maintaining trees along a trail is an essential part of a comprehensive preventative maintenance program for any trail property. In this session, we’ll discuss the appropriate techniques for maintaining the health and safety of trees along a trail, how to spot and handle potential tree risks, and important steps you can take to preserve the trees in your trail system.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
224 times

Trail Users of a Different Kind

The “What’s, Whys and Wherefores” of horses on the trail and how everyone can feel comfortable. We never know who we may meet on the trail. Equestrians share trails and portions of many other trails in Pennsylvania and the nation. Sustainability, layout and maintenance needs as well as the pluses and considerations of doing so will be discussed as part of this session.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
237 times