Steep Slopes

Library Items

Allegheny County's Steep Slope Ordinance and Related Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: Allegheny Planning Commission
Attached is Art. V of the Allegheny County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Also attached isArticle IV, which is the required information for sketch plans, and preliminary and final applications. Chapt. 1, Part 2 contains model regulations for environmetal protection and hazrd control. Pgs. I-56 and I-62 are the model regulations for geologic hazards and steep slopes.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2012
4600 times

An Ecological & Physical Investigation of Pittsburgh's Hillsides

This 26 page research paper address the economics of hillside slope development. It includes topics such as the ecological values of hillside slopes, public and private values of hillsides, tax issues and economic valuation studies.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
5209 times

East Vincent Township Zoning Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: East Vincent Township
Zoning ordinances for East Vincent Township, Chester County, PA, Chapter 27, which include steep slope ordinances. The township excludes steep slopes, floodplains, and jurisdictional wetlands from its definition of “net tract area,” which is used to establish the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a tract of land.
Last Modified
Sep 19, 2019
10110 times

Lycoming County Zoning Ordinance

County-wide zoning ordinance for Lycoming County. Includes environmental protection standards that regulate the use and disturbance of steep slopes.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
3929 times

Model Steep Slope Ordinance

An excellent model ordinance prepared by the 10 Towns Great Swamp Watershed Committee as a prototype for adoption by its municipal government members in the Passaic River Basin.
Last Modified
Oct 26, 2017
5298 times

Steep Slope Ordinance

Municipalities use zoning regulations to limit disturbance of steep slopes in order to prevent erosion, reduce the risk of dangerous landslides, and preserve scenic hillsides. WeConservePA guide. 8 pages.
Last Modified
Mar 07, 2023
8507 times

Steep Slope Ordinance, East Nantmeal Township

A concise example of a steep slope ordinance, this ordinance includes standards and criteria for reviewing special exceptions.
Last Modified
Oct 22, 2015
4363 times

Steep Slopes Guide/Model Regulations

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission’s model steep slope regulations are primarily use-based in that each slope tier (15 to 25 percent and 25 percent and greater) has a series of permitted, prohibited, and conditional uses. Performance-based standards are embedded in the model ordinance’s “General Provisions” section.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
8952 times

The Kilbuck Township Landslide: Findings and Recommendations

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
A major landslide in Kilbuck Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, in September of 2006, demonstrates the disastrous consequences of failing to protect the municipality’s steep slopes from disturbance. This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Joint State Government Commission's Task Force on the Kilbuck Township Landslide, which conducted an in-depth investigation into the landslide.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
9555 times

Zappala vs Town of McCandless

Organizations/Sources: PA Commonwealth Court
Commonwealth Court ruling upholding the steep slope ordinances of a municipality. Appellant wanted to disturb nearly 6 acres of land for development, but the township’s steep slope ordinances only permitted the disturbance of just over two on this parcel.
Last Modified
Oct 26, 2017
4943 times

Zoning for Landscape Protection

Organizations/Sources: Wallace, Roberts, and Todd
The Pennsylvania Appalachian Trail Act requires Pennsylvania municipalities along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail to adequately protect it as a public natural resource. Planning and architecture firm Wallace, Roberts, and Todd was hired by a steering committee of municipalities subject to the Act to develop strategies and guidelines for trail corridor protection. This website describes various zoning tools for landscape protection and includes examples of steep slope and ridge regulations.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
5290 times