Models Specific to Local Government

Model Declaration of Public Trust for Conservation Easements (with Commentary)

The Model Declaration of Public Trust for Conservation Easements is a tool for local governments to use to help ensure that the conservation easements they acquire are long-lasting and durable no matter changes in politics. With a Declaration, the local government declares a public trust containing a conservation easement held by the government and affirms the government's role and duty as trustee in service of the public purposes described in the conservation easement's conservation objectives.
Last Modified
Jun 24, 2024
1221 times

Model Declaration of Public Trust with Commentary

This set of model documents and accompanying commentary helps local governments formally dedicate lands to public purposes, reserve portions for other purposes, and clarify what are and aren’t appropriate uses of the land. The materials include an option to grant a conservation easement to a qualified holder as added protection for the land. (WeConservePA also publishes a model declaration to protect government-held conservation easements. See
Last Modified
Jun 26, 2024
10174 times

Model Maintenance and Operation Agreement with Commentary

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
This model helps local governments and private sports leagues or other recreational groups establish partnerships for providing recreational facilities and programming on public lands. It helps them define their respective roles and responsibilities so as to avoid misunderstandings.
Last Modified
Apr 26, 2018
6387 times

Model Riparian Buffer Protection Overlay District: Proposed Regulation for Use in a Municipal Zoning Ordinance, 2nd Edition

Pennsylvania municipalities may ensure the protection and restoration of riparian buffers with their land use regulations. Local governments can adapt the Model Riparian Buffer Protection Overlay District to their particular circumstances. The model is accompanied by a letter from attorney Fronefield Crawford, Jr. attesting to the model’s legal defensibility and reasonableness vis-à-vis private property rights.
Last Modified
Apr 26, 2018
11091 times