Model Access Easements

Model Fishing Access Agreement and Commentary

The hybrid easement document provides for both resource protection and public access for fishing. It is a tool for conservation organizations and governmental entities to build cooperative relationships with private landowners to provide conservation and recreation benefits to the public while keeping properties in the control of the owners. Download both the model and the commentary.
Last Modified
Apr 26, 2018
9837 times

Model Grant of Access Easement for Environmental Stewardship with Commentary, 2nd edition

This model legal document is used to ensure the easement holder's continued access to a property to undertake AMD remediation or other environmental restoration and stewardship projects. Be sure to download the commentary.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2019
10859 times

Model Grant of Fishing and Boating Access Easement

Use to provide public access to or along a waterway for fishing, boating or other recreational and educational uses. This model legal instrument may be used as a stand-alone document or may be coupled with a Grant of Conservation Easement to provide natural resource protections as well. The commentary to PALTA's Model Trail Easement Agreement doubles as the commentary to this model.
Last Modified
Apr 26, 2018
12175 times

Model Grant of Trail Easement with Commentary: A Short Form Alternative to the Model Trail Easement Agreement

The Model Grant of Trail Easement is brief--one page (exclusive of signatures)--as compared to the Model Trail Easement Agreement. The shorter document is useful where brevity is the paramount concern. If you want to establish certainty as to landowner and holder rights and responsibilities and other matters, the Model Trail Easement Agreement may be the better choice. Download both the model and the commentary.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2022
18722 times

Model Trail Easement Agreement with Commentary

This widely used model is coupled with an expansive commentary that explains the reasoning behind every provision, instructs on applying the model to particular circumstances, and provides alternative and optional provisions to address a variety of situations. Users can easily customize the document to handle different trail types and uses. Download both the model and the commentary.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2022
31501 times

Model Trail License Agreement with Commentary

A landowner may be sympathetic to a trail organization wanting to maintain a trail running through the landowner’s property. However, the landowner may rightfully have qualms about making any long-term commitment to public use. The Model Trail License Agreement is a tool that gives landowners the flexibility to allow a trail while explicitly ensuring that no long-term obligation is being established and providing for easy termination of the permission if the trail use is not working out to the owner’s satisfaction. (WeConservePA model document.)
Last Modified
Oct 11, 2022
1615 times