Model Supporting Documents to Easement Transactions

Model Assignment of Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants

<p>The Model Assignment of Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants with Commentary is a tool for transferring conservation easements and associated responsibilities, as well as related documents and stewardship funding, to other responsible organizations.</p>
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2024
2404 times

Model Baseline Documentation Acknowledgment with Commentary

<p>The Model Baseline Documentation Acknowledgment helps ensure that baseline documentation materials are properly identified and certified for optimal long-term legal effect, regardless of how they are captured, formatted, or compiled. WeConservePA released this draft of the model for public review on 2/13/2025. This draft is suitable for use but won&#39;t be finalized by WeConservePA until interested parties have ample time to review and comment. Send comments to WeConservePA Legal Director Justin Hollinger, Esq., at</p>
Last Modified
Feb 13, 2025
648 times

Model Compliance Statement with Commentary

<p>A prospective buyer of eased land may want the owner of the land to provide them a guarantee that the easement holder won&rsquo;t pursue claims against them for violations that predate their interest. A mortgage lender may want a guarantee that there are no violations that could jeopardize payback of their loan. The assurance needed could be achieved by the easement holder providing an estoppel certificate; however, this is problematic. The Model Compliance Statement is generally the appropriate and responsible response to a request for assurance.</p>
Last Modified
Jan 16, 2025
1176 times

Model Consent, Non-Disturbance, and Subordination Agreement with Commentary, 2nd edition

<p>When a mortgage precedes an easement on a property, the possibility that one day the mortgage could be foreclosed poses a threat to the continued existence of the easement unless the holder of the mortgage signs an agreement that allows the easement to survive a foreclosure. In addition, &quot;subordination&quot; is necessary if a tax deduction will be sought for an easement donation. This model legal document provides a vehicle to satisfy both of these issues. Be sure to download both the model and the commentary.</p>
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2024
20096 times

Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement with Commentary

<p>The Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement, now in its third edition, helps land trusts avoid getting stuck with unreimbursed major expenses if a would-be easement donor walks away from a project. It outlines the steps to completing a project and the responsibilities of the land trust and donor. It also helps the parties avoid common misunderstandings.</p>
Last Modified
Feb 13, 2025
21834 times

Model Stewardship Funding Covenant with Commentary

<p>The Model Stewardship Funding Covenant&nbsp;is a tool for making funding arrangements for&nbsp;conservation easement stewardship that are both affordable to landowners and adequate to cover the easement holder&#39;s stewardship expenses in the long run. With the model, landowners can stretch a financial commitment over time, either deferring their intended contributions to future dates respectful of&nbsp;their financial situation or extending payment obligations to future owners of the land. The model offers a variety of financial&nbsp;arrangements, from installment payments to private transfer fees, in support of conservation. Download and review both the model and the commentary.</p>
Last Modified
Sep 03, 2024
17846 times