Prescribed Fire

Library Items

Benefits of Fire: Case Studies from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Branch of Fire Management

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Guide highlights the benefits of prescribed fire through case studies in different landscapes, from Alaska to Texas.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2562 times

Better Hunting with Prescribed Burning

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania Prescribed Fire Council
Two-page fact sheet outlines the ways prescribed fires can improve habitat for hunting.
Last Modified
Jun 05, 2019
1412 times

Burning for Wildlife

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fact sheet explains how prescribed fires improve wildlife habitat.
Last Modified
May 13, 2019
2032 times

Pennsylvania Prescribed Burning Practices Act

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Regulations governing prescribed fires in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
May 24, 2019
2094 times

Prescribed Fire

Authors: Nate Lotze
A prescribed fire is a planned fire—sometimes called a controlled burn—used to manage certain types of landscapes. It reduces the chance of major wildfires and provides numerous other benefits for humans, plants, and wildlife. (Print version of guide)
Last Modified
Jun 25, 2019
1840 times

San Diego Declaration on Climate Change and Fire Management

Organizations/Sources: Association for Fire Ecology
Members of the Association for Fire Ecology adopted The San Diego Declaration on Climate Change and Fire Management at the 3rd International Fire Ecology and Management Congress in San Diego, California Nov. 13-17, 2006. The document was drafted by the AFE Board, submitted for peer review and group discussion, and formally ratified by participants at the 3rd International Fire Congress. The San Diego Declaration makes a powerful statement by the fire science community that future land management activities must consider climate change, and makes recommendations for planning and management
Last Modified
May 13, 2019
1372 times

The Benefits of Burning on Private Land

Explains how landowners can use prescribed fire to improve the value of their property.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1512 times

What the Research Says: Prescribed Fire and Wildfire Risk Reduction

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Most fire and natural resource managers across the Southeast agree that prescribed fire reduces wildfire risk. After all, fuels reduction is an objective that is often included in burn plans, and many managers and landowners have seen firsthand how wildfires respond in unburned versus frequently burned areas. But beyond observational and anecdotal information, what scientific findings do we have that prescribed fire reduces wildfire risk? And how long do these effects last? These questions have been asked for at least 50 years in the South and a number of research studies have addressed them from various angles. This fact sheet summarizes the conclusions of five studies conducted in pine flatwoods ecosystems.
Last Modified
May 13, 2019
2093 times

Why We Burn: Prescribed Burning as a Management Tool

Organizations/Sources: University of Arkansas Extension
Fact sheet outlines the multiple benefits of prescribed fires, including restoration of plant communities, reduction of fire risk, and improvement of wildlife habitat.
Last Modified
May 02, 2019
2198 times

Wildland Fire Management: Keeping Fire on Our Side

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Short guide about the benefits of prescribed fire and its use on land managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Last Modified
May 13, 2019
2272 times