Transfer Fees and Stewardship Funding Covenants for Conservation Easements

42 Pa.C.S.A. § 8143: Open-end mortgages

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
An open-end mortgage can secure payment of an obligation that has not come into existence yet. The excerpt from the Unofficial Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes from West regarding open-end mortgages as well as Pennsylvania Senate Bill 693 enacted as Act 126 of 1990 are included here.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2011
12937 times

Act 8 of 2011 (private transfer fees)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Pennsylvania’s Act 8 of 2011 (House Bill 442) prohibits private transfer fees but provides exceptions for fees payable to nonprofit corporations in association with conservation easements as well as for fees payable to governments.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2013
6274 times

Conservation Stewardship Transfer Fees

This primer on using private transfer fees in New Hampshire, subtitled "The conservation gifts that keep on giving," explains the need for finding money to cover the long-term monitoring and enforcement obligations of conservation easement and fee land holders. It discusses the use of "Stewardship Transfer Fees" (built into a conservation easement) and "Stewardship Legacy Agreements" (a separate document) as revenue-generating mechanisms. 14 pages.
Last Modified
Nov 04, 2015
5666 times

FHFA Private Transfer Fees Final Rule (2012)

Organizations/Sources: Federal Register
Effective 7/16/2012, the Federal Housing Finance Agency's final rule restricts Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks from dealing in mortgages on properties encumbered by certain types of private transfer fee covenants.
Last Modified
Jul 26, 2012
6403 times

French and Pickering v Natale

Pennsylvania courts and federal courts applying Pennsylvania law have held, in several of the cases arising from the French and Pickering v Natale matter, that the breaching landowner is personally liable for compensatory damages arising from a breach of a restrictive covenant in a conservation easement. There are no other reported cases in which enforcement of a promise to pay in a conservation easement has been sought in any Pennsylvania court of appeals.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2016
6295 times

Funding Conservation Easement Stewardship: Your Role as the Land's Owner and Conservation Champion

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
<p>In accepting a conservation easement from you, the land trust takes on the responsibility of ensuring that your land is forever conserved. Fulfilling this duty requires money. This is why the land trust seeks financial support from you or subsequent owners of the land. WeConservePA guide. 2 pages.</p>
Last Modified
Sep 16, 2024
2058 times

Legal Considerations for Stewardship Funding Arrangements: Binding Present and Future Landowners to Present Promises

<p>A landowner may agree to funding arrangements that require the landowner or successor owners of an eased property to make one or more payments to the easement holder to support stewardship of the property. An understanding of what makes promises binding is critical for crafting arrangements that are enforceable over time. WeConservePA guide. 14 pages.</p>
Last Modified
Sep 13, 2024
9365 times

Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Enabling Legislation

The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank has conserved 3000 acres of the island by collection of a 2% transfer fee on most transactions. Although administered by a private conservancy, the fee is not a private transfer tax imposed by covenant but was, instead, created by enabling legislation
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2016
4239 times

Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Regulations

The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank has conserved 3000 acres of the island by collection of a 2% transfer fee on most transactions. Although administered by a private conservancy, the fee is not a private transfer tax imposed by covenant but was, instead, created by enabling legislation and is enforced by detailed regulations governing the administration of the fee. This 29 page document outlines the rules and regulations governing the processing of the land bank transfer fee.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2016
4553 times

Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement with Commentary

<p>The Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement, now in its third edition, helps land trusts avoid getting stuck with unreimbursed major expenses if a would-be easement donor walks away from a project. It outlines the steps to completing a project and the responsibilities of the land trust and donor. It also helps the parties avoid common misunderstandings.</p>
Last Modified
Feb 13, 2025
21400 times

Model Stewardship Funding Covenant with Commentary

<p>The Model Stewardship Funding Covenant&nbsp;is a tool for making funding arrangements for&nbsp;conservation easement stewardship that are both affordable to landowners and adequate to cover the easement holder&#39;s stewardship expenses in the long run. With the model, landowners can stretch a financial commitment over time, either deferring their intended contributions to future dates respectful of&nbsp;their financial situation or extending payment obligations to future owners of the land. The model offers a variety of financial&nbsp;arrangements, from installment payments to private transfer fees, in support of conservation. Download and review both the model and the commentary.</p>
Last Modified
Sep 03, 2024
17676 times

Neponsit Property Owners' Association, Inc., Respondent v Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, Appellant

Organizations/Sources: Court of Appeals of New York
This opinion discusses the history of covenants running with the land, and specifically the covenant's "touching" or "concerning" the land with which it runs (the “touches and concerns“ requirement).
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2016
5748 times

Open-end mortgages-42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes §8143

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
A strategy that will assure payment of the stewardship fee is to secure the obligation with an open-end mortgage on the conserved property. An open-end mortgage can secure payment of an obligation that has not come into existence yet; for example, an obligation to provide additional funds for stewardship upon certain changes in the conserved property. This is the section of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes dealing with open-end mortgages.
Last Modified
Aug 16, 2011
3791 times

Placing Transfer Fees in Grants of Conservation Easement

Provisions requiring payments by owners of eased land to the easement holder upon each transfer of the land (or other triggering event) may be placed in the document that grants a conservation easement. This guide suggests best practices and provides sample provisions to maximize the effectiveness of this strategy for funding easement stewardship. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.
Last Modified
Jul 30, 2024
404 times

Private Transfer Taxes: A New Buyer's Burden

Authors: Kelly Quigley
Private transfer fees (sometimes referred to as private transfer taxes by those opposed to them) have had a mixed reception. This article expresses the views against private transfer fees.
Last Modified
Aug 16, 2011
3954 times

Stewardship Funding Arrangements: sample brochure

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association prepared this sample brochure to illustrate how a land trust might communicate with owners concerning the need and options to fund the land trust's easement stewardship obligations.
Last Modified
Oct 01, 2018
7725 times

Stewardship Funding Arrangements: Supporting Easement Holders in Carrying out Their Conservation Duties

<p>A landowner may agree to an arrangement that requires the owner <i>or successive owners</i> of an eased property to make payments to the conservation easement holder to support stewardship of the land. The arrangement may be customized to fit the stewardship demands created by the particular easement and the financial circumstances and wishes of the owner. WeConservePA guide. 12 pages.</p>
Last Modified
Sep 03, 2024
11907 times

Treasure Lake Property Owners Association, Inc., v Dennis L. Meyer and Betty J. Meyer

Organizations/Sources: Superior Court of Pennsylvania
The Treasure Lake Homeowners' Association case decided by the Pennsylvania Superior Court in 2003 upholds the principle that there is a duty on the part of the landowner to share in the costs of services that benefit his ownership in land. The Treasure Lake case also confirms that the remedies available to the beneficiary of a promise to pay a sum of money that qualifies as a covenant running with the land are not limited to remedies against the land (such as an injunction or foreclosure of a lien against the land) but also include the right to obtain a judgment for the unpaid sum against the owner collectible from the owner's assets including but not limited to the land. For more information, see the Stewardship Fees Binding Future Owners to Present Promises guide.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2016
9106 times