Land Management Challenges and Opportunities

Cats Indoors

Web resource of American Bird Conservancy
Last Modified
Jul 31, 2024
174 times

Invasive Species Plant List

<p>A table listing invasive species currently associated with the greatest harm to native biodiversity in Pennsylvania. Developed by Natural Lands. Two pages.</p>
Last Modified
Aug 29, 2024
63 times

Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change

A report detailing how land trusts, policymakers, and public agencies can achieve carbon goals through strategic forestland protection. A publication of the Open Space Institute. Eighteen pages.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2024
62 times

Natural Lands Hazard Tree Program

A table outlining Natural Lands' policy and implementation strategies for dealing with hazard trees.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2024
43 times

Natural Lands Trust Regulated Hunting Program

<p>A document outlining the rules and regulations pertaining to Natural Lands&#39; regulated hunting program. One page.</p>
Last Modified
Aug 29, 2024
64 times

PA DCNR Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan

A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Fifty-three pages.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2024
68 times

Stream Restoration Project Shows Benefits of Removing Legacy Sediments

An EPA report from Stories of Progress in Achieving Healthy Waterways, EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division. One page.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2024
75 times

Summary of Active Deer Management Options

A table outlining methods of active deer management developed by Natural Lands.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2024
47 times

Toolkit to Address Free-ranging Domestic Cats (Felis catus) on Agency Lands Managed for Native Wildlife and Ecosystem Health

Publication of Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Last Modified
Jul 31, 2024
156 times

Using applied social science disciplines to implement creative outdoor cat management solutions and avoid the trap of one-size-fits-all policies

Leong, K.M., A.R. Gramza, J.N. Duberstein, C. Bryson, and A. Amlin. Conservation Biology. 2024.
Last Modified
Jul 31, 2024
169 times