Acquisition of Land & Easements

Library Items

Act 153 of 1996 - amends the Open Space Lands Act

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
An Act amending the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P. L. 992, No. 442), entitled "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the counties thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses," expanding its scope to include all local government units throughout this Commonwealth.
Last Modified
Feb 13, 2013
12571 times

A Guide for Land Trusts: Working with Trout Unlimited Partnerships for Conserving Coldwater Streams and Watersheds

Organizations/Sources: Trout Unlimited
This guide is designed to provide land trusts with insight into understanding Trout Unlimited chapters and programs, and how TU supports land conservation and land trusts in conserving coldwater streams and watersheds. By partnering with land trusts, TU can better help protect and restore critical coldwater fisheries habitat.
Last Modified
Feb 23, 2011
3787 times

A Guide for TU Chapters: Working with Land Trusts

Organizations/Sources: Trout Unlimited
This guide covers everything a TU grassroots volunteer needs to know about working with land trusts. Starting with the whats and hows of land trust operations, the handbook also covers the details of conservation easements and TU’s role in their creation, public angling access, funding and technical support, and communicating with landowners.
Last Modified
Feb 23, 2011
3734 times

Authorization of Real Estate Transactions: Rules and Process for Nonprofits

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
Within the bounds of state law and private standards of practice, nonprofit organizations have considerable flexibility in establishing policies and procedures regarding the authorization of real estate transactions. WeConservePA guide. 6 pages.
Last Modified
Jan 27, 2023
7418 times

Conservation Tools: An Evaluation and Comparison of the Use of Certain Land Preservation Mechanisms

Evaluates and compares eight land preservation mechanisms based on their ability to achieve conservation goals, their cost, their ability to respond to future changes, and several other criteria selected to highlight the practical advantages and disadvantages of each mechanism.
Last Modified
Oct 29, 2010
4657 times

Decision Support Systems: Theory and Application

Holsapple, Clyde W., Whinston, Andrew B., eds., Decision Support Systems: Theory and Application, NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 31, Springer ,Verlag, Germany, 1987. Journal of Applied Ecology (2007) 44, 253-262
Last Modified
Nov 02, 2010
3777 times

Evaluating and Selecting Conservation Projects

Has your land trust ever struggled with deciding whether or not to accept a conservation easement? Ever regretted accepting an easement? Think your project planning process could be improved but not sure where to start? After reading this book, you will know the important elements of a site visit and how to use data gathered from the site visit for baseline documentation reports or management plans. You will learn how to create customized acquisition criteria and project planning forms. Practices Covered: 8B-Project Selection and Criteria; 8G-Project Planning; 8D-Public Benefit of Transactions; 8E-Site Inspection
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2012
5603 times

General Guidelines for Conservation Easement Projects

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
This document was developed by Brandywine Conservancy to share with prospective landowners and explain the many important legal and financial issues that a prospective easement donor should consider.
Last Modified
Nov 04, 2015
5117 times

Land Protection Options, Revised 2nd Edition

Authors: Laurie Allmann
In-depth introduction to tools, programs, partners and other resources for Minnesota landowners who want to preserve their land. Explains options such as easements, deed restrictions, and mutual covenants in lay terms. Includes landowner profiles, a decision-making checklist, and tax and land management considerations.
Last Modified
Jul 12, 2011
4350 times

LTA Fact Sheet: Conservation Buyer Transactions

Organizations/Sources: Land Trust Alliance
This document is one of a series of fact sheets and reference materials produced by the Land Trust Alliance.
Last Modified
Jun 15, 2020
4778 times

Pennsylvania Local Governments May Support Land Trusts

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
In Pennsylvania, local governments may give money, land and easements to land trusts. WeConservePA guide. 2 pages.
Last Modified
Aug 24, 2022
4752 times

Present and Emerging Threats from Power Sector

Authors: Ginny Kreitler
Organizations/Sources: Kreitler Research & Consulting, LLC
Presentation/handouts relating to transmission lines/condemnation issues
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4127 times

Preserving Land & Watersheds

Authors: Phillip Getty
Organizations/Sources: Boucher & James, Inc.
Presentation regarding land preservation and treated sewage application
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4244 times

Realty Transfer Tax Exclusions for Conservation-Related Transactions in Pennsylvania

Many conservation-related property transactions are excluded from having to pay state and local realty transfer taxes in Pennsylvania. WeConservePA guide. 6 pages.
Last Modified
Sep 28, 2023
5690 times

Separate Entity to Hold Riskier Properties

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
Some real property is substantially riskier than other property for an organization to hold and manage, perhaps because of environmental contamination (or suspicion of the same), perhaps because of more intense public use, perhaps for some other reason. Depending on just how great the perceived risk, the organization may want to consider isolating its exposure to that risk by establishing a separate organization—wholly controlled by the founding organization—to hold the riskier property. WeConservePA guide. 3 pages.
Last Modified
Jun 29, 2023
1247 times

Settlement Sheet

Publication of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Last Modified
Oct 10, 2017
2879 times

The National Conservation Easement Database

The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is a national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States.
Last Modified
Aug 19, 2011
4476 times

Using a Deed Restriction to Protect Land: A Path for When Neither a Land Trust Nor Government Can Help

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
A family or group of neighbors may want to limit future use of a property, but that desire may not be shared as a priority by conservation organizations or government. In this case, a deed restriction may a sensible—albeit imperfect—tool that the private individuals can use on their own to achieve limited protection of the land. A 2-page guide.
Last Modified
Jun 15, 2021
2516 times